Package python-module-sip: Information

    Binary package: python-module-sip
    Version: 4.19.19-alt5
    Architecture: x86_64
    Build time:  Jul 13, 2021, 07:51 PM in the task #278650
    Source package: python-module-sip
    Report package bug
    License: PSF
    Summary: Python bindings generator for C++ class libraries
    Generates Python bindings for C++ class libraries from a set of class
    specification files.  Also includes a Python extension module needed by all
    generated bindings.

    Maintainer: Vitaly Lipatov

    Last changed

    July 13, 2021 Vitaly Lipatov 4.19.19-alt5
    - disable python3-module-PyQt5-sip subpackage
    Sept. 6, 2020 Vitaly Lipatov 4.19.19-alt4
    - add pyqt5 disable possibility
    Feb. 8, 2020 Anton Midyukov 4.19.19-alt3
    - fix PATH to sip3 (it was broken in 4.19.13-alt1)