Package sed: Information
Binary package: sed
Architecture: aarch64
Build time: Jul 12, 2021, 03:17 AM in the task #278099
Source package: sed
Category: Editors
Report package bugDownload: sed-
Home page:
License: GPLv3+
Summary: A GNU stream text editor
The sed (Stream EDitor) editor is a stream or batch (non-interactive) editor. Sed takes text as input, performs an operation or set of operations on the text and outputs the modified text. The operations that sed performs (substitutions, deletions, insertions, etc.) can be specified in a script file or from the command line.
Maintainer: Dmitry V. Levin
Last changed
April 12, 2021 Dmitry V. Levin 1:
- sed: v4.7 -> v4.8-7-gb352b74. - gnulib BR: v0.1-2305-g95c96b6dd -> v0.1-4290-gf22259966. - Updated translations from
Dec. 26, 2018 Dmitry V. Levin 1:4.7-alt1
- sed: v4.4-10-g05800ee -> v4.7. - gnulib: v0.1-1209-g24b3216 -> v0.1-2305-g95c96b6dd.
March 21, 2017 Dmitry V. Levin 1:
- sed: v4.2.2-93-g31c84cb -> v4.4-10-g05800ee. - gnulib: v0.1-585-g2fda85e -> v0.1-1209-g24b3216.