Package KoLmafia: Information

    Source package: KoLmafia
    Version: 14.7-alt1.svn9619
    Build time:  Jul 11, 2011, 08:59 AM
    Category: Games/Adventure
    Report package bug
    License: BSD
    Summary: KoL online game client
    KoLmafia is a cross-platform desktop tool, written in Java (J2SE 1.4 compliant),
    which interfaces with the online adventure game, Kingdom of Loathing.
    See and for details.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    KoLmafia (noarch)

    Maintainer: Damir Shayhutdinov

    List of contributors:
    Damir Shayhutdinov

      1. ant
      2. rpm-build-java
      3. java-devel-default

    Last changed

    July 11, 2011 Damir Shayhutdinov 14.7-alt1.svn9619
    - Updated to KoLmafia-14.7 (sv9619)
      + Too many changes to pin point
    March 6, 2011 Damir Shayhutdinov 14.4-alt1.svn9137
    - Updated to KoLmafia-14.4 (svn9137)
      + You can now use chat commands from CLI (like /command1 && /command2)
      + Pandamonium
      + February IOTM support
      + Revamped Cobb's Knob
      + March IOTM support
      + Tons of other bugfixes
    Jan. 22, 2011 Damir Shayhutdinov 14.3-alt1.svn8923
    - Updated to svn8923
      + More CRIMBCO support
      + January IOTM support
      + Traveling Trader  Disco Bandit skill
      + Lots of other fixes