Package laptop-mode-tools: Information

    Source package: laptop-mode-tools
    Version: 1.74-alt3
    Build time:  Dec 7, 2021, 09:47 PM in the task #290888
    Category: System/Base
    Report package bug
    License: GPL-2.0+
    Summary: Tools for power savings based on battery/AC status
    Laptop mode is a Linux kernel feature that allows your laptop to save
    considerable power, by allowing the hard drive to spin down for longer
    periods of time. This package contains the userland scripts that are
    needed to enable laptop mode. It includes support for automatically
    enabling laptop mode when the computer is working on batteries. In
    addition, it provides a set of modules which allow you to apply
    various other power savings.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    laptop-mode-tools (noarch)

    Maintainer: Andrey Cherepanov

      1. rpm-build-python3

    Last changed

    Nov. 29, 2021 Andrey Cherepanov 1.74-alt3
    - No requirements of systemd (ALT #41459).
    May 4, 2021 Andrey Cherepanov 1.74-alt2
    - FTBFS: Set correct python3 library directory for python scripts.
    - Package desktop file and pixmap.
    July 19, 2020 Andrey Cherepanov 1.74-alt1
    - New version.