Package perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Config: Specfile

%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1

Name: perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Config
Version: 0.001014
Release: alt1
Summary: Credential Management for DBIx::Class
License: GPL+ or Artistic
Group: Development/Perl
BuildArch: noarch

BuildRequires: perl-devel
BuildRequires: perl-Package-Generator
BuildRequires: perl(inc/Module/
BuildRequires: perl(Module/Install/
BuildRequires: perl(Module/Install/
# Run-time
BuildRequires: perl(
BuildRequires: perl(Config/
BuildRequires: perl(DBIx/Class/
BuildRequires: perl(File/
BuildRequires: perl(Hash/
BuildRequires: perl(namespace/
BuildRequires: perl(
BuildRequires: perl(
BuildRequires: perl(
# Tests
BuildRequires: perl(Data/
BuildRequires: perl(DBD/
BuildRequires: perl(
BuildRequires: perl(DBIx/
BuildRequires: perl(
BuildRequires: perl(Test/
Requires: perl(DBIx/

DBIx::Class::Schema::Config is a subclass of DBIx::Class::Schema that
allows the loading of credentials & configuration from a file. The actual
code itself would only need to know about the name used in the
configuration file. This aims to make it simpler for operations teams to
manage database credentials.

%setup -q -n DBIx-Class-Schema-Config-%{version}



%doc Changes README

* Thu Jul 15 2021 Igor Vlasenko <> 0.001014-alt1
- automated CPAN update

* Mon Feb 25 2019 Igor Vlasenko <> 0.001013-alt1
- automated CPAN update

* Fri Feb 22 2019 Igor Vlasenko <> 0.001012-alt1
- automated CPAN update

* Tue Jun 19 2018 Alexandr Antonov <> 0.001011-alt1
- initial build for ALT