Package qvge: Information

    Source package: qvge
    Version: 0.6.1-alt1
    Build time:  Nov 18, 2020, 06:00 PM in the task #262032
    Report package bug
    License: MIT
    Summary: Qt Visual Graph Editor
    QVGE is a multiplatform graph editor written in C++/Qt.
    Its main goal is to make possible visually edit two-dimensional graphs
    in a simple and intuitive way.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    qvge (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, armh, aarch64)
    qvge-debuginfo (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, armh, aarch64)

    Maintainer: Aleksei Nikiforov

    List of contributors:
    Aleksei Nikiforov

      1. qt5-base-devel
      2. qt5-svg-devel
      3. qt5-x11extras-devel
      4. gcc-c++

    Last changed

    Nov. 16, 2020 Aleksei Nikiforov 0.6.1-alt1
    - Initial build for ALT.