Package rawstudio: Information

    Source package: rawstudio
    Version: 2.1-alt0.6
    Build time:  Apr 27, 2021, 11:55 PM in the task #270820
    Category: Graphics
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2+
    Summary: Rawstudio is an open source raw-image converter written in GTK+
    Rawstudio can read and convert RAW-images from most digital cameras.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    rawstudio (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, armh, aarch64)
    rawstudio-debuginfo (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, armh, aarch64)

    Maintainer: Yuri N. Sedunov

      1. libpugixml-devel
      2. libxml2-devel
      3. liblcms-devel
      4. liblcms2-devel
      5. libgphoto2-devel
      6. libgtk+3-devel
      7. liblensfun-devel
      8. libdbus-devel
      9. gcc-c++
      10. libGConf-devel
      11. libsqlite3-devel
      12. libtiff-devel
      13. libssl-devel
      14. libappstream-glib-devel
      15. libjpeg-devel
      16. libexiv2-devel
      17. libfftw3-devel
      18. libosm-gps-map-devel
      19. libflickcurl-devel
      20. libpng-devel

    Last changed

    April 18, 2021 Yuri N. Sedunov 2.1-alt0.6
    - updated to v2.0-616-g781ddd9b from
    - note: to run rawstudio under wayland need to use following command
      "GDK_BACKEND=x11 rawstudio"
    Aug. 11, 2019 Yuri N. Sedunov 2.1-alt0.5
    - rebuilt against
    Sept. 25, 2017 Yuri N. Sedunov 2.1-alt0.4
    - updated to v2.0-589-g003dd4f (ported to GTK+3)
    - built against