Package xhtml1-dtds: Specfile

BuildRequires: xml-utils
# see
%define _localstatedir %{_var}
%global date    20020801

Name:           xhtml1-dtds
Version:        1.0
Release:        alt1_%{date}.13.3
Summary:        XHTML 1.0 document type definitions

Group:          Text tools
# W3C Software License for DTDs etc:
License:        W3C
URL:  {date}/
# Source0 generated with Source99, see comments in the script
Source0:        %{name}-%{date}.tar.xz
Source1:        %{name}.catalog.xml
Source99:       %{name}
Patch0:         %{name}-sgml-catalog.patch
Patch1:         %{name}-sgml-dcl.patch

BuildArch:      noarch
BuildRequires:  libxml2 xml-utils
Requires:       libxml2 xml-utils
Requires:       xml-common
Requires:       xml-common sgml-common
Requires(post): /usr/bin/xmlcatalog
Requires(preun): /usr/bin/xmlcatalog

This provides the DTDs of the Second Edition of XHTML 1.0, a reformulation
of HTML 4 as an XML 1.0 application, and three DTDs corresponding to the
ones defined by HTML 4. The semantics of the elements and their attributes
are defined in the W3C Recommendation for HTML 4. These semantics provide
the foundation for future extensibility of XHTML.

%setup -q -n xhtml1-20020801
%patch0 -p0
%patch1 -p1
cp -p %{SOURCE1} DTD/catalog.xml



# Note: documentation is not shipped; the W3C Documentation License is not an
# acceptable one per Fedora licensing guidelines.

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xml/xhtml/1.0
cp -p DTD/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xml/xhtml/1.0

# XML catalog:

xpkg() {
  xmlcatalog --noout --add "$1" "$2" \
    file://%{_datadir}/xml/xhtml/1.0/catalog.xml \

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xml
xmlcatalog --noout --create \
xpkg delegatePublic "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 "
xpkg delegatePublic "-//W3C//ENTITIES Latin 1 for XHTML"
xpkg delegatePublic "-//W3C//ENTITIES Special for XHTML"
xpkg delegatePublic "-//W3C//ENTITIES Symbols for XHTML"
for i in xhtml1 2002/REC-xhtml1-%{date} ; do
  xpkg delegateSystem$i/DTD/
  xpkg delegateURI$i/DTD/
ln -s %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.xml \

# SGML catalog:

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/sgml
cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/sgml
touch %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.soc
ln -s %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.soc %{name}.soc
cd -

# touching all ghosts; hack for rpm 4.0.4
for rpm_404_ghost in %{_sysconfdir}/sgml/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.soc
    mkdir -p %buildroot`dirname "$rpm_404_ghost"`
    touch %buildroot"$rpm_404_ghost"

cd %{_sysconfdir}/xml
[ -e catalog ] || /usr/bin/xmlcatalog --noout --create catalog
/usr/bin/xmlcatalog --noout --add \
    nextCatalog %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.xml "" catalog >/dev/null
cd - >/dev/null
/usr/bin/xmlcatalog --sgml --noout --add \
    %{_sysconfdir}/sgml/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.soc \
    %{_datadir}/xml/xhtml/1.0/xhtml.soc >/dev/null

/usr/bin/xmlcatalog --noout --del \
    %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.xml \
    %{_sysconfdir}/xml/catalog >/dev/null
/usr/bin/xmlcatalog --sgml --noout --del \
    %{_sysconfdir}/sgml/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.soc \
    %{_datadir}/xml/xhtml/1.0/xhtml.soc >/dev/null

%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/sgml/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.soc

* Fri Oct 20 2017 Igor Vlasenko <> 1.0-alt1_20020801.13.3
- update to new release by fcimport

* Tue Jul 26 2016 Igor Vlasenko <> 1.0-alt1_20020801.13.1
- update to new release by fcimport

* Sun Sep 20 2015 Igor Vlasenko <> 1.0-alt1_20020801.13
- update to new release by fcimport

* Tue Jul 01 2014 Igor Vlasenko <> 1.0-alt1_20020801.11
- update to new release by fcimport

* Mon Aug 12 2013 Igor Vlasenko <> 1.0-alt1_20020801.10
- update to new release by fcimport

* Tue May 07 2013 Igor Vlasenko <> 1.0-alt1_20020801.9
- initial fc import