Package libstb-devel: Information

  • Default inline alert: Version in the repository: 2.37-alt1.1

Binary package: libstb-devel
Version: 2.37-alt1
Architecture: noarch
Build time:  Jan 12, 2021, 11:53 PM
Source package: stb
Category: Development/C++
Report package bug
License: MIT or ALT-Public-Domain
Summary: single-file libraries for C/C++
Header files for STB library.

* image loader: stb_image.h
* image writer: stb_image_write.h
* image resizer: stb_image_resize.h
* font text rasterizer: stb_truetype.h
* typesafe containers: stb_ds.h

Maintainer: Michael Shigorin

List of contributors:
Michael Shigorin

Last changed

Jan. 12, 2021 Michael Shigorin 2.37-alt1
- initial package (for TetrisGL)