Package genstats: Specfile

Summary: Generate statistics on any textfile
Name: genstats
Version: 1.0.0
Release: alt1.qa1
License: GPL2
Group: Text tools

BuildRequires: gcc-c++

Generates statistics on any textfile. With commandline parameters
which are very similar to those of the 'cut'-command, one can select
what part of the lines in a textfile should be counted. Genstats then
generates a table with the frequency of occurence of each string
together with the interval.


mkdir -p %buildroot{%_bindir,%_man1dir}
install -m 755 %name %buildroot%_bindir/%name
install -m 644 %name.1 %buildroot%_man1dir/%name.1


* Mon Apr 15 2013 Dmitry V. Levin (QA) <> 1.0.0-alt1.qa1
- NMU: rebuilt for debuginfo.

* Sat Sep  4 2010 Terechkov Evgenii <> 1.0.0-alt1
- Initial build for ALT Linux Sisyphus