Package jargon-html: Information

    Source package: jargon-html
    Version: 4.4.7-alt1
    Build time:  Jun 6, 2019, 05:00 PM
    Category: Documentation
    Report package bug
    License: Distributable
    Summary: The Jargon File
    This is the Jargon File, a comprehensive compendium of hacker slang
    illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition, folklore, and humor.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    jargon-html (noarch)

    Maintainer: George V. Kouryachy

    List of contributors:
    George V. Kouryachy

    Last changed

    Sept. 22, 2011 George V. Kouryachy 4.4.7-alt1
    - Initial build from scratch (HTML tarball)