Package accel-ppp: Information

    Source package: accel-ppp
    Version: 1.13.0-alt2
    Build time:  Dec 28, 2024, 03:05 PM in the task #366653
    Category: System/Servers
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2
    Summary: High performance PPTP/L2TP/PPPoE server
    The ACCEL-PPP is completly new implementation of PPTP/PPPoE/L2TP
    which was written from scratch. Userspace daemon has its own PPP
    implementation, so it does not uses pppd and one process (multi-threaded)
    manages all connections. ACCEL-PPP uses only kernel-mode implementations
    of pptp/l2tp/pppoe.
    - IPoE server
    - PPTP server
    - PPPoE server
    - L2TPv2 server
    - Radius CoA/DM (PoD)
    - Built-in shaper (htb)
    - Command line interface (telnet)
    - IPv6 (including builtin Neighbor Discovery and DHCPv6)

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    accel-ppp (x86_64, i586, aarch64)
    accel-ppp-debuginfo (x86_64, i586, aarch64)
    kernel-source-accel-ppp (noarch)

    Maintainer: Alexei Takaseev

      1. cmake
      2. rpm-build-kernel
      3. liblua5.3-devel
      4. libnl-devel
      5. libpcre2-devel
      6. glibc-kernheaders
      7. libssl-devel

    Last changed

    Dec. 27, 2024 Alexei Takaseev 1.13.0-alt2
    - update upstream to git:563f4aadcb736d5c2b26e9575a71cafcb8cf6287
    - Change BR libpcre-devel -> libpcre2-devel
    - Fix running with glibc >= 2.34 (ALT #52532)
    April 1, 2024 Alexei Takaseev 1.13.0-alt1
    - 1.13.0
    Jan. 26, 2024 Alexei Takaseev 1.12.0-alt9
    - update upstream to git:19c36e593d9b74a0f95582b6343b0921cd31e32a