Package bolzplatz2006: Information

    Source package: bolzplatz2006
    Version: 1.0.3-alt1_55jpp11
    Build time:  Sep 14, 2023, 09:05 PM in the task #329603
    Category: Games/Other
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2+
    Summary: Slam Soccer 2006 is a funny football game in 3D-comic-style
    Slam Soccer 2006 is a funny football game in
    3D-comic-style - and it's for free!
    * Freeware and open source
    * Funny 3d-comic-style
    * Enthralling stadium atmosphere
    * Keyboard and gamepad control
    * 2-player mode
    * Career and world cup
    * Register in the online hall of fame
    * Build your own stadium
    * 80 teams
    * 20 stadiums
    * 10 weather conditions
    * 50 adboards
    * 10 referees
    * 9 commentators (5 German, 2 English, 2 French)
    * 3 languages: German, English, French

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    bolzplatz2006 (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, armh, aarch64)
    bolzplatz2006-debuginfo (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, armh, aarch64)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

      1. libGLU-devel
      2. libXcursor-devel
      3. libXext-devel
      4. libXrandr-devel
      5. libXrender-devel
      6. libXt-devel
      7. libXxf86vm-devel
      8. rpm-build-java
      9. libdevil-devel
      10. libappstream-glib
      11. libappstream-glib-gir
      12. rpm-macros-java
      13. sdljava
      14. desktop-file-utils
      15. libpng-devel
      16. libvorbis-devel
      17. libjpeg-devel
      18. libpng17-tools
      19. dom4j
      20. swig
      21. ant
      22. /proc
      23. /usr/bin/desktop-file-install
      24. unzip
      25. vecmath1.2
      26. gcc-c++
      27. xml-commons-apis
      28. jpackage-default

    Last changed

    Sept. 14, 2023 Igor Vlasenko 1.0.3-alt1_55jpp11
    - update
    April 6, 2022 Igor Vlasenko 1.0.3-alt1_51jpp11
    - fixed build
    June 1, 2021 Igor Vlasenko 1.0.3-alt1_46jpp11
    - update