Package kio-locate: Specfile

Name: kio-locate
Version: 0.4.5
Release: alt1

Summary: Kioslave for the locate command
License: GPL
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE

Source: %name-%version.tar.bz2

Packager: Andrey Rahmatullin <>

BuildPreReq: gcc-c++ kdelibs-devel 
BuildPreReq: scons

kio-locate is a KDE I/O Slave for the locate command. This means that
you can use kio-locate by simply typing in konquerors address box.
You can e.g. type "locate:index.html" to find all files that contain
"index.html" in their name. There's even more: you can use kio-locate in
all KDE applications, that accept URLs.

%setup -q

scons configure prefix=%buildroot%prefix

scons install

%find_lang %name --with-kde

%files -f %name.lang

* Sat Dec 09 2006 Andrey Rahmatullin <> 0.4.5-alt1
- initial build