Package bandwidth: Specfile

Name: bandwidth
Version: 0.25a
Release: alt1

Summary: Artificial benchmark for measuring memory bandwidth
License: GPL
Group: System/Kernel and hardware

Packager: Michael Shigorin <>

BuildRequires: nasm

ExclusiveArch: %ix86 x86_64 arm

%ifarch %ix86
Provides: bandwidth32 = %version
Obsoletes: bandwidth32 <= 0.15
%define namearch %{name}32
%ifarch x86_64
%define namearch %{name}64
%ifarch arm
%define namearch %{name}-arm

bandwidth is a benchmark to estimate the memory bandwidth of
a system, including main memory, L2 cache, framebuffer memory,
and string library performance.


%make_build %namearch

# that %_bindir/%name is real file in both packages
install -pD -m0755 %namearch %buildroot%_bindir/%namearch
ln -s %namearch %buildroot%_bindir/%name

%doc README.txt

* Fri Jan 21 2011 Michael Shigorin <> 0.25a-alt1
- 0.25a (thanks force@)
  + upstream merged arches, added arm support

* Tue Apr 07 2009 Michael Shigorin <> 0.16-alt1
- 0.16
- NB: 0.15 brought assembly core and diverged between arches
  (this package is 64-bit only)

* Thu Aug 16 2007 Michael Shigorin <> 0.13-alt1
- built for ALT Linux
- spec based on Dag Wieers' 0.12-1

* Sat Jul 28 2007 Dag Wieers <> - 0.12-1 - +/
- Initial package. (using DAR)