Package libclucene-core: Specfile

%define rname clucene-core
Name: libclucene-core
Release: alt0.M60P.1

Summary: CLucene is a C++ port of Lucene.
License: LGPL / Apache2
Group: System/Libraries

Source: %rname-%version.tar.gz
# FC
Patch1: clucene-core-
Patch2: clucene-core-

BuildRequires: boost-devel-headers cmake gcc-c++ zlib-devel kde-common-devel

It is a high-performance, full-featured text search
engine written in C++. CLucene is faster than lucene
as it is written in C++.

%package -n libclucene-shared
Group: System/Libraries
Summary: CLucene shared library
%description -n libclucene-shared
It is a high-performance, full-featured text search
engine written in C++. CLucene is faster than lucene
as it is written in C++.

%package -n libclucene-contribs-lib
Group: System/Libraries
Summary: CLucene contribs library
%description -n libclucene-contribs-lib
It is a high-performance, full-featured text search
engine written in C++. CLucene is faster than lucene
as it is written in C++.

%package -n %name-devel
Summary: Development library and headers files fo CLucene
Group: Development/C++
#Requires: libclucene-core libclucene-shared
Conflicts: libclucene-devel
%description -n %name-devel
It is a high-performance, full-featured text search
engine written in C++. CLucene is faster than lucene
as it is written in C++.

%package -n %name-devel-static
Summary: Static library for CLucene
Group: Development/C++
Requires: %name-devel
%description -n %name-devel-static
It is a high-performance, full-featured text search
engine written in C++. CLucene is faster than lucene
as it is written in C++.

%setup -qn %rname-%version
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1

%Kbuild \



%files -n libclucene-shared

%files -n libclucene-contribs-lib

%files -n %name-devel

#%files -n %name-devel-static

* Thu May 24 2012 Sergey V Turchin <>
- build for M60P

* Wed May 23 2012 Sergey V Turchin <>
- initial build