Package libslv2: Specfile

Name: libslv2
Version: 0.6.6
Release: alt2
License: GPLv2+
Packager: Egor Glukhov <>
Source0: %name-%version.tar
BuildRequires: gcc-c++ librasqal-devel libredland-devel lv2core
BuildRequires: python-modules-compiler python-modules-logging

Summary: A library for simple use of LV2 plugins
Group: System/Libraries

SLV2 is a library for LV2 hosts intended to make using LV2 Plugins as simple
as possible (without sacrificing capabilities).

%package -n slv2
Requires: %name = %version-%release
Group: Sound
Summary: Tools for SLV2 library

%description -n slv2
SLV2 is a library for LV2 hosts intended to make using LV2 Plugins as simple
as possible (without sacrificing capabilities).

This package contains tools for SLV2 library.

%package devel
Requires: %name = %version-%release
Group: Development/C
Summary: Includes to develop with SLV2 library

%description devel
SLV2 is a library for LV2 hosts intended to make using LV2 Plugins as simple
as possible (without sacrificing capabilities).

This package contains includes to develop with SLV2 library.


./waf configure --prefix=%_prefix/ --libdir=%_libdir/

DESTDIR=%buildroot ./waf install


%files -n slv2

%files devel

* Tue Nov 16 2010 Egor Glukhov <> 0.6.6-alt2
- Fixed BuildRequires

* Thu Jul 15 2010 Egor Glukhov <> 0.6.6-alt1
- initial build for Sisyphus