Maintainer Maxim Voronov in the p7 branch: Information

Maintainer name: Maxim Voronov (mvoronov)
Built source packages in this branch: 23

Last changes

Feb 14, 2018, 02:26 PM

#199933 sent by Maxim Voronov

Qt5 - QtBase components
Qt5 - QtXmlPatterns component
Qt5 - QtDeclarative component
Qt5 - QtTool components
Qt5 - QtWebSockets component
Qt5 - Multimedia support
Qt5 - QtLocation component
Qt5 - WebChannel component
Qt5 - QtSensors component
Qt5 - module with set of QtQuick controls
Qt5 - QtWebKit components
Qt5 - QtScript component
A declarative language for describing user interfaces in Qt5
Qt5 - X11 support library
Qt5 - QtImageFormats component
Qt5 - Support for rendering and displaying SVG
Qt5 - Connectivity components
Qt5 - SerialPort component
Qt5 - QtTranslations module
Qt5 - QtGraphicalEffects component
Main Qt5 Reference Documentation
Cross-platform, open-source make system
QtKeychain is a Qt API to store passwords and other secret data securely.
ownCloud Desktop Client