Package ruby-rspec-core: Specfile

%define  pkgname rspec-core
Name: 	 ruby-%pkgname
Version: 3.2.3 
Release: alt1
Summary: RSpec runner and formatters
License: MIT/Ruby
Group:   Development/Ruby
Packager:  Ruby Maintainers Team <>
BuildArch: noarch
Source:  %pkgname-%version.tar
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-ruby
BuildRequires: ruby-tool-setup
rspec-core provides the structure for writing executable examples of how your code should behave, and an rspec command with tools to constrain which examples get run and tailor the output.

%package doc
Summary: Documentation files for %name
Group: Documentation
BuildArch: noarch
%description doc
Documentation files for %{name}.

%setup -n %pkgname-%version
%rdoc lib/
# Remove unnecessary files
rm -f %buildroot%ruby_ri_sitedir/{Object/cdesc-Object.ri,cache.ri,created.rid}
%ruby_test_unit -Ilib:test test
%doc README*
%files doc
* Wed May 20 2015 Andrey Cherepanov <> 3.2.3-alt1
- Initial build for ALT Linux