Package alterator-updates: Information
Binary package: alterator-updates
Version: 0.2.2-alt0.M80P.1
Architecture: noarch
Build time: May 19, 2017, 04:45 PM in the task #183155
Source package: alterator-updates
Category: System/Configuration/Other
Report package bugLicense: GPL
Summary: Module to configure automatic system updates
Module to configure automatic, schedule-based system updates.
Maintainer: Stanislav Ievlev
List of contributors:
Paul Wolneykien
Mikhail Efremov
Gleb Fotengauer-Malinovskiy
Stanislav Ievlev
Sir Raorn
Paul Wolneykien
Mikhail Efremov
Gleb Fotengauer-Malinovskiy
Stanislav Ievlev
Sir Raorn
Last changed
May 19, 2017 Paul Wolneykien 0.2.2-alt0.M80P.1
- Backport for the P8 branch.
May 19, 2017 Paul Wolneykien 0.2.2-alt1
- Enable and start crond when a new schedule is written (closes: 33450).
March 11, 2015 Mikhail Efremov 0.2.1-alt1
- Replace shell-regexp with shell-quote.