Package CoinMOCHA: Specfile

%define mpiimpl openmpi
%define mpidir %_libdir/%mpiimpl

%define oname MOCHA
Name: Coin%oname
Version: 1.0.0
Release: alt3.svn20091122
Summary: Matroid Optimization: Combinatorial Heuristics and Algorithms
License: Eclipse Public License v1.0
Group: Sciences/Mathematics
Packager: Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at>

Source: %oname-%version.tar.gz

BuildPreReq: doxygen graphviz libglpk-devel CoinBuildTools gcc-c++
BuildPreReq: libCoinUtils-devel liblapack-devel
BuildPreReq: libgmp_cxx-devel %mpiimpl-devel

MOCHA is a software package which contains algorithms and heuristics to
solve multicriteria matroid optimization problems. Beyond specific
algorithms and heuristics, our package also contains and uses matroid
(and related) data structures which can be used as a foundation for new
and old algorithms and heuristics.

%package docs
Summary: Documentation for COIN-OR MOCHA
Group: Documentation
BuildArch: noarch

%description docs
MOCHA is a software package which contains algorithms and heuristics to
solve multicriteria matroid optimization problems. Beyond specific
algorithms and heuristics, our package also contains and uses matroid
(and related) data structures which can be used as a foundation for new
and old algorithms and heuristics.

This package contains documentation for MOCHA.

%package instances
Summary: Examples and data for COIN-OR MOCHA
Group: Sciences/Mathematics
BuildArch: noarch

%description instances
MOCHA is a software package which contains algorithms and heuristics to
solve multicriteria matroid optimization problems. Beyond specific
algorithms and heuristics, our package also contains and uses matroid
(and related) data structures which can be used as a foundation for new
and old algorithms and heuristics.

This package contains examples and data for MOCHA.

rm -f *.m4

mpi-selector --set %mpiimpl
source %mpidir/bin/
export OMPI_LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed,-rpath,%mpidir/lib -L%mpidir/lib"

%configure \
	--with-blas=-lgoto2 \
	--with-lapack=-llapack \
	--with-gmp=%prefix \

doxygen doxydoc/doxygen.conf

source %mpidir/bin/
export OMPI_LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed,-rpath,%mpidir/lib -L%mpidir/lib"


install -d %buildroot%_man3dir
install -m644 Doxydoc/man/man3/* %buildroot%_man3dir

install -d %buildroot%_datadir/%oname
cp -fR %oname/Instances %buildroot%_datadir/%oname/

#for i in %buildroot%_bindir/*; do
#	chrpath -r %mpidir/lib $i

%doc %oname/AUTHORS %oname/LICENSE %oname/README %oname/TODO

%files docs
%doc Doxydoc/html/*
%exclude %_man3dir/Matrix.3*

%files instances

* Mon Jul 09 2012 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 1.0.0-alt3.svn20091122
- Rebuilt with OpenMPI 1.6

* Wed Jun 06 2012 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 1.0.0-alt2.svn20091122
- Fixed build

* Fri Apr 29 2011 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 1.0.0-alt1.svn20091122.5
- Fixed build

* Sat Apr 23 2011 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 1.0.0-alt1.svn20091122.4
- Avoid conflict with libtrilinos10-devel-doc

* Wed Apr 13 2011 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 1.0.0-alt1.svn20091122.3
- Built with GotoBLAS2 instead of ATLAS

* Mon Feb 28 2011 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 1.0.0-alt1.svn20091122.2
- Added -g into compiler flags

* Fri Feb 18 2011 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 1.0.0-alt1.svn20091122.1
- Rebuilt for debuginfo

* Fri Sep 17 2010 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 1.0.0-alt1.svn20091122
- Initial build for Sisyphus