Package CoinOsi: Information

    Source package: CoinOsi
    Version: 0.106.4-alt1.svn20140217.0.M80P.1
    Build time:  Feb 28, 2017, 03:25 AM in the task #178958
    Report package bug
    License: CPL v1.0
    Summary: Coin Open Solver Interface
    The COIN-OR Open Solver Interface is a uniform API for interacting with
    callable solver libraries. It supports linear programming solvers as
    well as the ability to "finish off" a mixed-integer problem calling the
    solver library's MIP solver. Currently, the following solvers are
    supported: COIN-OR LP solver (OsiClp) and COIN-OR Branch and Cut solver
    (CoinBcp); CPLEX (OsiCpx); DyLP (OsiDylp); FortMP (OsiFmp); GLPK, the
    GNU Linear Programming Kit (OsiGlpk); Mosek (OsiMsk); OSL, the IBM
    Optimization Subroutine Library (OsiOsl); SYMPHONY (OsiSym); The Volume
    Algorithm (OsiVol); XPRESS-MP (OsiXpr).

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    CoinOsi-examples (noarch)
    libCoinOsi (x86_64, i586)
    libCoinOsi-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)
    libCoinOsi-devel (x86_64, i586)
    libCoinOsi-devel-doc (noarch)

      1. libglpk-devel
      2. chrpath
      3. graphviz
      4. doxygen
      5. libnuma-devel
      6. CoinBuildTools
      7. CoinNetlib-devel
      8. CoinSample-devel
      9. libCoinUtils-devel
      10. gcc4.9
      11. gcc4.9-c++
      12. openmpi-devel
      13. liblapack-devel

    Last changed

    Feb. 28, 2017 Anton V. Boyarshinov 0.106.4-alt1.svn20140217.0.M80P.1
    - backport to p8
    Feb. 28, 2017 Anton V. Boyarshinov 0.106.4-alt1.svn20140217.1
    - build fixed
    May 15, 2014 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 0.106.4-alt1.svn20140217
    - New snapshot