Package apt-scripts: Information

    Source package: apt-scripts
    Version: 0.1.4-alt1.M80P.1
    Build time:  Jul 1, 2019, 07:41 PM in the task #233432
    Report package bug
    Summary: Lua scripts for APT
    apt-cache list-extras
    	This script will list all installed packages which are
    	not availabe in any online repository.
    apt-cache list-nodeps
    	This script will list all installed packages which are
    	not required by any other installed package.
    apt-cache list-unreleased
    	This script will list all installed packages which have
    	version newer than in repository.
    apt-get dedup
    	This script will collect all unallowed duplicated pkgs and remove the
    	eldest, keeping the newest.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    apt-scripts (noarch)

      1. apt

    Last changed

    June 27, 2019 Vladimir D. Seleznev 0.1.4-alt1.M80P.1
    - apt-get dedup ported to Lua 5.1
    June 19, 2019 Vladimir D. Seleznev 0.1.4-alt2
    - apt-get dedup implies Apt::Get::Fix-Broken
    June 13, 2019 Vladimir D. Seleznev 0.1.4-alt1
    - added 'apt-get dedup'
    - fixed package license