Package cmdtest: Information

    Source package: cmdtest
    Version: 0.16-alt1
    Build time:  Jan 2, 2016, 11:56 PM in the task #155573
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv3+
    Summary: Black-box testing for Unix command line tools
    cmdtest black box tests Unix command line tools. Roughly, it is given
    a command line and input files, and the expected output, and it
    verifies that the command line produces the expected output. If not,
    it reports a problem, and shows the differences.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    cmdtest (noarch)

    Maintainer: Vitaly Lipatov

      1. rpm-build-python
      2. python-devel
      3. python-module-cliapp
      4. python-module-markdown
      5. python-module-ttystatus

    Last changed

    Jan. 2, 2016 Vitaly Lipatov 0.16-alt1
    - new version 0.16 (with rpmrb script)
    Aug. 13, 2015 Vitaly Lipatov 0.8.3-alt2
    - human build for ALT Linux Sisyphus
    Aug. 22, 2013 Igor Vlasenko 0.8.3-alt1_2
    - update to new release by fcimport