Package ghc7.6.1-glib: Information

    Source package: ghc7.6.1-glib
    Version: 0.12.4-alt2
    Build time:  Dec 22, 2012, 11:27 PM
    Report package bug
    License: LGPL-2.1
    Summary: Binding to the GLIB library for Gtk2Hs.
    The GNU Library is a collection of C data structures and utility function
    for dealing with Unicode. This package only binds as much functionality as
    required to support the packages that wrap libraries that are themselves
    based on GLib.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    ghc7.6.1-glib (x86_64, i586)
    ghc7.6.1-glib-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)

    Maintainer: Denis Smirnov

    List of contributors:
    Denis Smirnov

      1. ghc7.6.1
      2. ghc7.6.1-doc
      3. glib2-devel
      4. gtk2hs-buildtools

    Last changed

    Dec. 22, 2012 Denis Smirnov 0.12.4-alt2
    - rebuild
    Dec. 22, 2012 Denis Smirnov 0.12.4-alt1
    - Spec created by cabal2rpm 0.20_08