Package ghc7.6.1-monad-control: Information

    Source package: ghc7.6.1-monad-control
    Build time:  Dec 23, 2012, 07:12 AM
    Report package bug
    License: BSD3
    Summary: Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers
    This package defines the type class @MonadBaseControl@, a subset of
    @MonadBase@ into which generic control operations such as @catch@ can be
    lifted from @IO@ or any other base monad. Instances are based on monad
    transformers in @MonadTransControl@, which includes all standard monad
    transformers in the @transformers@ library except @ContT@.
    See the @lifted-base@ package which uses @monad-control@ to lift @IO@
    operations from the @base@ library (like @catch@ or @bracket@) into any
    monad that is an instance of @MonadBase@ or @MonadBaseControl@.
    Note that this package is a rewrite of Anders Kaseorg's @monad-peel@
    library. The main difference is that this package provides CPS style
    operators and exploits the @RankNTypes@ and @TypeFamilies@ language
    extensions to simplify and speedup most definitions.
    The following @criterion@ based benchmark shows that @monad-control@ is on
    average about 99% faster than @monad-peel@:
    @git clone <>@

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    ghc7.6.1-monad-control (x86_64, i586)
    ghc7.6.1-monad-control-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)

    Maintainer: Denis Smirnov

    List of contributors:
    Denis Smirnov

      1. ghc7.6.1-base-unicode-symbols
      2. ghc7.6.1-cpphs
      3. ghc7.6.1-doc
      4. ghc7.6.1-hscolour
      5. ghc7.6.1-transformers-base

    Last changed

    Dec. 22, 2012 Denis Smirnov
    - rebuild
    Dec. 22, 2012 Denis Smirnov
    - Spec created by cabal2rpm 0.20_08