Package meshlab: Information

    Source package: meshlab
    Version: 1.3.3-alt2.1
    Build time:  Apr 9, 2016, 09:14 AM in the task #156073
    Category: Graphics
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2+ and BSD and Public Domain
    Summary: A system for processing and editing unstructured 3D triangular meshes
    MeshLab is an open source, portable, and extensible system for the
    processing and editing of unstructured 3D triangular meshes.  The
    system is aimed to help the processing of the typical not-so-small
    unstructured models arising in 3D scanning, providing a set of tools
    for editing, cleaning, healing, inspecting, rendering and converting
    these kinds of meshes.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    meshlab (x86_64, i586)
    meshlab-debuginfo (x86_64, i586)

    Maintainer: Andrey Cherepanov

      1. libkyotocabinet-devel
      2. ImageMagick
      3. gcc-c++
      4. libblas-devel
      5. libglew-devel
      6. libqt4-devel
      7. libgmpxx-devel
      8. libsuitesparse-devel
      9. qhull-devel
      10. libmuparser-devel
      11. bzip2-devel
      12. chrpath
      13. desktop-file-utils
      14. libode-devel
      15. qt4-devel
      16. qtsoap-devel
      17. levmar-devel
      18. lib3ds-devel
      19. libGLU-devel

    Last changed

    Jan. 19, 2016 Andrey Cherepanov 1.3.3-alt2.1
    - rebuild with new version of libmuparser
    May 16, 2014 Dmitry Derjavin 1.3.3-alt2
    - i586 build fixed.
    May 15, 2014 Dmitry Derjavin 1.3.3-alt1
    - 1.3.3;
    - patches revised.