Package ndesk-dbus-glib: Information

    Source package: ndesk-dbus-glib
    Version: 0.4.1-alt6
    Build time:  Jul 8, 2009, 03:37 AM
    Report package bug
    License: X11/MIT
    Summary: GLib integration for NDesk.DBus, the D-Bus IPC library
    ndesk-dbus-glib provides glib integration for NDesk.DBus.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    ndesk-dbus-glib (x86_64, i586)
    ndesk-dbus-glib-devel (x86_64, i586)

    List of contributors:
    Alexey Shabalin
    Igor Zubkov

      1. /proc
      2. mono-devel
      3. mono-mcs
      4. ndesk-dbus-devel

    Last changed

    July 8, 2009 Alexey Shabalin 0.4.1-alt6
    - move pkgconfig files from main to devel package
    Feb. 16, 2009 Alexey Shabalin 0.4.1-alt5
    - change packager
    - add mono-devel to BuildRequires
    July 27, 2008 Igor Zubkov 0.4.1-alt4
    - don't use obsolete macros