Package claws-mail-plugin-mailmbox: Information

    Binary package: claws-mail-plugin-mailmbox
    Version: 3.17.7-alt1
    Architecture: ppc64le
    Build time:  Oct 8, 2020, 09:44 PM in the task #259364
    Source package: claws-mail
    Category: Networking/Mail
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv3+
    Summary: This plugin handles mailboxes in mbox format
    This plugin handles mailboxes in mbox format.

    Maintainer: Mikhail Efremov

    Last changed

    Sept. 30, 2020 Mikhail Efremov 3.17.7-alt1
    - Updated to 3.17.7.
    July 14, 2020 Mikhail Efremov 3.17.6-alt1
    - Updated to 3.17.6.
    Feb. 25, 2020 Mikhail Efremov 3.17.5-alt1
    - tools: Don't pull dos2unix.
    - tools: Don't package
    - tools: Package python scripts again.
    - Drop unneded fix.
    - Add Vcs tag.
    - Drop obsoleted patches.
    - Don't use rpm-build-licenses.
    - Updated to 3.17.5.