Package libmariadbd19: Information

Binary package: libmariadbd19
Version: 10.4.13-alt1
Architecture: i586
Build time:  Jul 2, 2020, 09:12 PM in the task #254197
Source package: mariadb
Category: System/Libraries
Report package bug
License: GPLv2 with exceptions
Summary: MariaDB as an embeddable library
MariaDB is a multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. This
package contains a version of the MariaDB server that can be embedded
into a client application instead of running as a separate process.

The API is identical for the embedded MariaDB version
and the client/server version.

Maintainer: Alexey Shabalin

Last changed

June 28, 2020 Alexey Shabalin 10.4.13-alt1
- 10.4.13
- Fixes for the following security vulnerabilities:
  + CVE-2020-2752
  + CVE-2020-2812
  + CVE-2020-2814
  + CVE-2020-2760
  + CVE-2020-13249
Feb. 9, 2020 Alexey Shabalin 10.4.12-alt1
- 10.4.12
- Fixes for the following security vulnerabilities:
  + CVE-2020-2574
  + CVE-2020-2574
Dec. 19, 2019 Alexey Shabalin 10.4.11-alt1
- 10.4.11
- move client plugins to libmariadb package (ALT #37639):
  + caching_sha2_password
  + sha256_password