Package cabal2rpm: Information
Source package: cabal2rpm
Version: 0.20.10-alt1
Build time: Mar 21, 2019, 04:20 PM in the task #222088
Category: Development/Haskell
Report package bugLicense: GPL2+
Summary: converts Haskell Cabal descriptions into RPM specs
This tool converts Haskell Cabal package-descriptions (.cabal files) into RPM spec files. It makes reasonable guesses at what should go in the specs, but because "Cabalized" tarballs presently do not have a standardized layout and naming conventions, you may need to make some adjustments.
Maintainer: Evgeny Sinelnikov
Last changed
Feb. 28, 2019 Evgeny Sinelnikov 0.20.10-alt1
- Update spec template to newest rpm-build-haskel supports haskell(abi)
Feb. 22, 2019 Evgeny Sinelnikov 0.20.09-alt1
- Remove version of compiler from spec filename - Rename pkg_libdir to compiler directory as it prefer in newest ghc versions - Update spec with build require to rpm-build-haskell supported new ghc versions - Fix gear2rpm with trim white spaces from the right side of rpm_version
Nov. 26, 2015 Ivan Zakharyaschev 0.20.08-alt12
- cabal2gear conceptual enhancements: + separated maintainer's tweaks and automatic results in the Git repo (this way a new run of the robot won't spoil the maintainer's tweaks; a third branch is used: upstream_/AUTO/cabal2rpm); + implemented updating the gear-repos with new sources (and/or by new cabal2rpm rules if that ever happens); + for compatibility with gear-repos created by earlier versions of cabal2gear, updating an old repo would fake upstream_/AUTO/cabal2rpm with cabal2rpm (ideally, this should be the old cabal2rpm and cabal2gear rules, but fortunately, the content generated by them hasn't changed yet). (This code needs cleanup and more documentation, but works and is used already. The old usage for creating initial gear-repos remains almost without user-visible changes: all the generated content is the same, only a new Git branch is added.)