Package cldr-emoji-annotation: Specfile

Name: cldr-emoji-annotation
Version: 35.12.14971_0
Release: alt1

# Annotation files are in Unicode license
Summary: Emoji annotation files in CLDR
Group: Development/Other
License: LGPLv2+ and Unicode

Source: %url/releases/download/%version/%name-%version.tar.gz

BuildArch: noarch

This package provides the emoji annotation files by language in CLDR.

%package devel
Summary: Files for development using cldr-annotations
Group: Development/Other
Requires: %name = %version-%release

%description devel
This package contains the pkg-config files for development
when building programs that use cldr-annotations.




%doc AUTHORS NEWS README unicode-license.txt

%files devel

* Thu Aug 22 2019 Yuri N. Sedunov <> 35.12.14971_0-alt1
- first build for Sisyphus