Package ddclient: Information

    Source package: ddclient
    Version: 3.9.0-alt1
    Build time:  Oct 10, 2019, 11:08 AM in the task #239014
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2
    Summary: A client to update host entries on DynDNS like services
    DDclient is a small full featured client requiring only Perl and no
    additional modules. It runs under most UNIX OSes and has been tested
    under Linux and FreeBSD. Supported features include: operating as a
    daemon, manual and automatic updates, static and dynamic updates,
    optimized updates for multiple addresses, MX, wildcards, abuse
    avoidance, retrying failed updates, and sending update status to
    syslog and through e-mail. This release may now obtain your IP address
    from any interface, web based IP detection, Watchguard's SOHO router,
    Netopia's R910 router, SMC's Barricade broadband router, Netgear's
    RT3xx router, Linksys' broadband routers, MaxGate's UGATE-3x00
    routers, ELSA's LANCOM DSL/10 routers, Cisco's 2610, 3com 3c886a 56k
    Lan Modem, SOHOWare BroadGuard NBG800, almost every other router with
    user configurable FW definitions (see the sample-etc_ddclient.conf)
    and now provides Full support for's NIC2 protocol. Support
    is also included for other dynamic DNS services. Comes with sample
    scripts for use with DHCP, PPP, and cron. See the README for more

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    ddclient (noarch)

    Maintainer: Motsyo Gennadi

      1. perl-Data-Validate-IP

    Last changed

    Oct. 3, 2019 Motsyo Gennadi 3.9.0-alt1
    - 3.9.0 (#34396)
    May 18, 2014 Motsyo Gennadi 3.8.1-alt2.1
    - build for Sisyphus
    May 8, 2014 Denis G. Samsonenko 3.8.1-alt2
    - IPv6 support patch
    - /lib/tmpfiles.d/ddclient.conf
    - /etc/rc.d/init.d/ddclientd corrected