Package ghc7.6.1-gtk: Specfile

%define ghc_version 7.6.1
%define hsc_name ghc
%define hsc_version %ghc_version
%define hsc_namever %hsc_name%hsc_version
%define h_pkg_name gtk
%define f_pkg_name gtk
%define pkg_libdir %_libdir/%hsc_name-%hsc_version/lib/%h_pkg_name-%version

Name: %hsc_namever-%f_pkg_name
Version: 0.12.4
Release: alt2
License: LGPL-2.1
Packager: Denis Smirnov <>
Group: Development/Haskell
Source: %name-%version.tar
Patch: %name-%version-%release.patch
Summary: Binding to the Gtk+ graphical user interface library.

# Automatically added by buildreq on Mon Dec 24 2012 (-bb)
# optimized out: elfutils fontconfig fontconfig-devel ghc7.6.1 ghc7.6.1-cairo ghc7.6.1-common ghc7.6.1-glib ghc7.6.1-mtl ghc7.6.1-transformers glib2-devel libatk-devel libcairo-devel libfreetype-devel libgdk-pixbuf libgdk-pixbuf-devel libgio-devel libgmp-devel libpango-devel libwayland-client libwayland-server pkg-config python-base rpm-build-haskell zlib-devel
BuildRequires: ghc7.6.1-alex ghc7.6.1-c2hs ghc7.6.1-cpphs ghc7.6.1-doc ghc7.6.1-happy ghc7.6.1-hscolour ghc7.6.1-pango gtk2hs-buildtools libgtk+2-devel

This is the core library of the Gtk2Hs suite of libraries for Haskell based
on Gtk+. Gtk+ is an extensive and mature multi-platform toolkit for
creating graphical user interfaces.

%patch -p1



%files -f %name-files.all

* Fri Feb 08 2019 Gleb F-Malinovskiy <> 0.12.4-alt2
- Fixed build with gcc >= 5.

* Sat Dec 22 2012 Denis Smirnov <> 0.12.4-alt1
- Spec created by cabal2rpm 0.20_08