Package qucs: Information

    Source package: qucs
    Version: 0.0.19-alt2
    Build time:  Aug 7, 2018, 05:11 PM in the task #211131
    Category: Education
    Report package bug
    License: GPL
    Summary: Circuit simulator
    Qucs is a circuit simulator with graphical user interface.  The
    software aims to support all kinds of circuit simulation types,
    e.g. DC, AC, S-parameter and harmonic balance analysis.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    libqucs (x86_64, i586, aarch64)
    libqucs-debuginfo (x86_64, i586, aarch64)
    libqucs-devel (x86_64, i586, aarch64)
    qucs (x86_64, i586, aarch64)
    qucs-data (noarch)
    qucs-debuginfo (x86_64, i586, aarch64)

    Maintainer: Vladislav Zavjalov

      1. libqt4-devel
      2. mot-adms
      3. gperf
      4. chrpath
      5. imake
      6. flex
      7. xorg-cf-files
      8. gcc-c++

    Last changed

    Aug. 7, 2018 Vladislav Zavjalov 0.0.19-alt2
    - github/master snapshot 2018-08-07 (Closes: 35217)
    Aug. 6, 2017 Anton Midyukov 0.0.19-alt1
    - New version 0.0.19
    July 6, 2017 Aleksei Nikiforov 0.0.18-alt2
    - Fixed build with new toolchain