Package vim-plugin-syntastic: Information

    Source package: vim-plugin-syntastic
    Version: 3.9.0-alt1
    Build time:  Oct 5, 2018, 07:54 AM in the task #214117
    Category: Editors
    Report package bug
    License: WTFPL
    Summary: Syntax checking hacks for vim
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      {{{{{{   /           (      |                 this is ...                    |
      }}}}}}   |            \     |                                                |
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     {{{{{{{{       /`._  (_\ /   |   / ___/__  ______  / /_____ ______/ /_(_)____ |
      }}}}}}'      |    //___/ --=:   \__ \/ / / / __ \/ __/ __ `/ ___/ __/ / ___/ |
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       }}}`jgs                    | /____/\__, /_/ /_/\__/\__,_/____/\__/_/\___/   |
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    Syntastic is a syntax checking plugin for Vim created by Martin Grenfell. It
    runs files through external syntax checkers and displays any resulting errors
    to the user. This can be done on demand, or automatically as files are saved.
    If syntax errors are detected, the user is notified and is happy because they
    didn't have to compile their code or execute their script to find them.

    List of rpms provided by this srpm:
    vim-plugin-syntastic (noarch)

    List of contributors:
    Vitaly Chikunov

      1. rpm-build-vim

    Last changed

    Oct. 5, 2018 Vitaly Chikunov 3.9.0-alt1
    - First package for ALT