Package xfce4-session: Information

    Source package: xfce4-session
    Version: 4.14.2-alt2.g2e15af5e
    Build time:  Mar 24, 2021, 07:30 PM in the task #268015
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2+
    Summary: Session manager for Xfce desktop environment
    xfce4-session is the session manager for the Xfce desktop environment.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    xfce4-session (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, armh, aarch64)
    xfce4-session-debuginfo (x86_64, ppc64le, i586, armh, aarch64)

    Maintainer: Xfce Team

      1. libdbus-glib-devel
      2. rpm-build-xfce4
      3. exo-csource
      4. iceauth
      5. intltool
      6. libpolkit-devel
      7. libgdk-pixbuf-devel
      8. libwnck3-devel
      9. libglade-devel
      10. libSM-devel
      11. libxfce4ui-gtk3-devel
      12. libxfconf-devel
      13. xfce4-dev-tools
      14. xorg-cf-files

    Last changed

    March 18, 2021 Mikhail Efremov 4.14.2-alt2.g2e15af5e
    - Use /sbin/sd_booted to check for systemd from the context of a
      user session (by Paul Wolneykien).
    - Set XDG_SEAT and XDG_SEAT_PATH in systemd user session
      (by Paul Wolneykien).
    - Upstream git snapshot (xfce-4.14 branch).
    March 30, 2020 Mikhail Efremov 4.14.2-alt1
    - Added conflict for broken xfce4-screensaver.
    - Updated to 4.14.2.
    Jan. 13, 2020 Mikhail Efremov 4.14.1-alt1
    - Use Vcs rpm tag.
    - Don't use rpm-build-licenses.
    - Updated to 4.14.1.