Package aardtools: Information

    Source package: aardtools
    Version: 0.9.0-alt1.git.4.g831482e
    Build time:  Jun 15, 2019, 09:45 PM
    Report package bug
    License: GPL3
    Summary: Tools to create dictionaries in aarddict format
    `Aard Tools` "out of the box" comes with support for the following input types:
        Dictionaries in XDXF_ format (only `XDXF-visual`_ is supported).
        Wikipedia articles and templates :abbr:`CDB (Constant Database)`
        built with :command:`mw-buildcdb` from Wikipedia XML dump.
        Dictionaries in aar format. This is useful for updating dictionary metadata
        and changing the way it is split into volumes. Multiple input files can
        be combined into one single or multi volume dictionary.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    aardtools (noarch)

    Maintainer: Ildar Mulyukov

    List of contributors:
    Ildar Mulyukov

      1. python-module-distribute
      2. python-module-icu
      3. python-module-mwlib

    Last changed

    Dec. 7, 2014 Ildar Mulyukov 0.9.0-alt1.git.4.g831482e
    - new version
    April 7, 2013 Ildar Mulyukov 0.8.3-alt3.git.73.g5d4b4c4
    - new snapshot
    April 2, 2013 Ildar Mulyukov 0.8.3-alt2.git.72.ga609acb
    - add aardtools-alt-disable-mw.patch to disable mwlib part due to bug #28776