Package csvkit: Information

    Source package: csvkit
    Version: 1.0.2-alt1
    Build time:  Jun 16, 2019, 09:54 AM
    Category: Other
    Report package bug
    License: MIT
    Summary: A suite of utilities for converting to and working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats
    A suite of utilities for converting to and working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    csvkit (noarch)

    Maintainer: Mikhail Gordeev

    List of contributors:
    Mikhail Gordeev

      1. rpm-build-python3
      2. python3-dev
      3. python3-module-setuptools
      4. python3-module-setuptools
      5. python3-module-sphinx-sphinx-build-symlink

    Last changed

    Feb. 7, 2018 Mikhail Gordeev 1.0.2-alt1
    - Initial build for Sisyphus