Package eclipselink: Information

    Source package: eclipselink
    Version: 2.6.3-alt1_4jpp8
    Build time:  Apr 20, 2018, 01:34 AM
    Category: Development/Java
    Report package bug
    License: EPL and BSD
    Summary: Eclipse Persistence Services Project
    Eclipse Persistence Services Project, more commonly known as EclipseLink,
    is a Java comprehensive persistence framework delivering a set of persistence
    services based around standards. This lets you rapidly build applications
    that combine the best aspects of object technology and the specific data
    EclipseLink was started by a donation of the full source code and
    test suites of Oracle's TopLink product.
    EclipseLink's services currently include object-relational with JPA,
    object-XML binding in MOXy (with support for JAXB), a Service Data Objects
    (SDO) implementation and support for another technologies like: Database Web
    Services (DWS), XML-Relational (XRM) and Non-Relational (EIS via JCA).

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    eclipselink (noarch)
    eclipselink-javadoc (noarch)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

    List of contributors:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. ant
      2. antlr3-java
      3. antlr3-tool
      4. aqute-bnd
      5. bean-validation-api
      6. glassfish-jaxb-api
      7. glassfish-jaxb-codemodel
      8. glassfish-jaxb-core
      9. glassfish-jaxb-jxc
      10. glassfish-servlet-api
      11. /proc
      12. /proc
      13. objectweb-asm
      14. stringtemplate4
      15. cdi-api
      16. tuscany-sdo-java
      17. unzip
      18. rpm-build-java
      19. rpm-build-java-osgi
      20. java-devel
      21. java-javadoc
      22. javamail
      23. javapackages-local
      24. jboss-connector-1.7-api
      25. jboss-jaxrs-2.0-api
      26. jboss-jms-2.0-api
      27. jboss-transaction-1.2-api
      28. jgroups
      29. jpackage-generic-compat
      30. jsonp
      31. xsom
      32. eclipse-equinox-osgi
      33. eclipselink-persistence-api

    Last changed

    April 19, 2018 Igor Vlasenko 2.6.3-alt1_4jpp8
    - java update
    Nov. 9, 2017 Igor Vlasenko 2.6.3-alt1_3jpp8
    - fc27 update
    Nov. 2, 2017 Igor Vlasenko 2.6.3-alt1_2jpp8
    - new jpp release