Package gimp-script-ISONoiseReduction: Information

    Source package: gimp-script-ISONoiseReduction
    Version: 2.4-alt1
    Build time:  May 8, 2019, 01:03 PM
    Category: Graphics
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv3+
    Summary: Gimp script for reducing sensor noise at high ISO values
    Gimp script for reducing sensor noise at high ISO values by masking the edges
    and then blurring the individual color channels or the luminance channel only.
    Using a plugin like Wavelet denoise or greycstoration might actually give you
    better results and more options for fine tuning.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    gimp-script-ISONoiseReduction (noarch)

    Maintainer: Victor Forsyuk

    List of contributors:
    Victor Forsyuk

      1. libgimp-devel

    Last changed

    Aug. 28, 2008 Victor Forsyuk 2.4-alt1
    - 2.4
    Sept. 13, 2007 Victor Forsyuk 2.1-alt1
    - Initial build.