Package gnome-games-four-in-a-row: Information

    Source package: gnome-games-four-in-a-row
    Version: 3.32.0-alt1
    Build time:  Dec 8, 2020, 07:56 AM
    Category: Games/Boards
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv3+
    Summary: Four in a row game
    Gnect is a four-in-a-row game for the GNOME Project. The object of the
    game is to build a line of four of your marbles while trying to stop
    your opponent (human or computer) building a line of his or her own. A
    line can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    gnome-games-four-in-a-row (e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)
    gnome-games-four-in-a-row-debuginfo (e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)

    Maintainer: Yuri N. Sedunov

    List of contributors:
    Yuri N. Sedunov

      1. libgio-devel >= 2.32.0
      2. libcanberra-gtk3-devel
      3. libcanberra-vala
      4. meson
      5. librsvg-devel
      6. desktop-file-utils
      7. libgtk+3-devel >= 3.14.0
      8. gsettings-desktop-schemas-devel
      9. libappstream-glib-devel
      10. vala-tools
      11. zlib-devel
      12. yelp-tools

    Last changed

    March 11, 2019 Yuri N. Sedunov 3.32.0-alt1
    - 3.32.0
    March 10, 2018 Yuri N. Sedunov 3.28.0-alt1
    - 3.28.0
    Sept. 9, 2017 Yuri N. Sedunov 3.22.2-alt1
    - 3.22.2