Package gpp: Information

    Source package: gpp
    Version: 2.24-alt1.qa1
    Build time:  Jan 16, 2021, 01:49 PM
    Category: Text tools
    Report package bug
    License: GPL
    Summary: General-purpose preprocessor with customizable syntax
    GPP is a general-purpose preprocessor with customizable syntax, suitable
    for a wide range of preprocessing tasks. Its independence from any one
    programming language makes it much more versatile than the C
    preprocessor (cpp), while its syntax is lighter and more flexible than
    that of GNU m4. There are built-in macros for use with C/C++, LaTeX,
    HTML, XHTML, and Prolog files.
    GPP is Free Software. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU
    Lesser General Public Licence.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    gpp (e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)
    gpp-debuginfo (e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)

    Maintainer: Mikhail Yakshin

    List of contributors:
    Dmitry V. Levin
    Mikhail Yakshin

    Last changed

    April 15, 2013 Dmitry V. Levin 2.24-alt1.qa1
    - NMU: rebuilt for debuginfo.
    Sept. 20, 2004 Mikhail Yakshin 2.24-alt1
    - 2.24
    Sept. 3, 2004 Mikhail Yakshin 2.23-alt1
    - Initial build for ALT Linux