Package libkeybinder: Information

    Source package: libkeybinder
    Version: 0.3.0-alt5.git20120617.qa1
    Build time:  Jan 3, 2021, 10:52 PM
    Category: System/Libraries
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2
    Summary: keybinder is a library for registering global keyboard shortcuts
    keybinder is a library for registering global keyboard shortcuts.
    Keybinder works with GTK-based applications using the X Window System.
    The library contains:
     - A C library, libkeybinder
     - Lua bindings, lua-keybinder
     - Python bindings, python-keybinder
     - An examples directory with programs in C, Lua, Python and Vala.

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    libkeybinder (e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)
    libkeybinder-debuginfo (e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)
    libkeybinder-devel (e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)
    libkeybinder-gir (e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)
    libkeybinder-gir-devel (noarch)
    python-module-keybinder (e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)
    python-module-keybinder-debuginfo (e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)

    Maintainer: Igor Vlasenko

      1. liblua5.1-devel
      2. python-devel
      3. python-module-pygtk-devel
      4. gobject-introspection-devel
      5. libgtk+2-devel
      6. gtk-doc
      7. libXext-devel
      8. xorg-server-common

    Last changed

    Oct. 14, 2018 Igor Vlasenko 0.3.0-alt5.git20120617.qa1
    - NMU: applied repocop patch
    July 14, 2017 Aleksei Nikiforov 0.3.0-alt5.git20120617
    - Updated build dependencies
    June 5, 2015 Vladimir Didenko 0.3.0-alt4.git20120617
    - don't require gtk3