Package python-module-wsgi_intercept: Specfile

%define oname wsgi_intercept

%def_with python3

Name: python-module-%oname
Version: 1.5.0
Release: alt1.1
Summary: wsgi_intercept installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing
License: MIT
Group: Development/Python
Source: %oname-%version.tar.gz
Patch: wsgi_intercept-fix.urllib3.patch
BuildArch: noarch

BuildRequires: python-devel python-module-setuptools
BuildRequires: python-module-sphinx-devel python-module-requests
BuildRequires: python-module-httplib2
%if_with python3
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-python3
BuildRequires: python3-devel python3-module-setuptools

Installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing.

Testing a WSGI application normally involves starting a server at a
local host and port, then pointing your test code to that address.
Instead, this library lets you intercept calls to any specific host/port
combination and redirect them into a WSGI application importable by your
test program. Thus, you can avoid spawning multiple processes or threads
to test your Web app.

%package tests
Summary: Tests for %oname
Group: Development/Python
Requires: %name = %EVR

%description tests
Installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing.

Testing a WSGI application normally involves starting a server at a
local host and port, then pointing your test code to that address.
Instead, this library lets you intercept calls to any specific host/port
combination and redirect them into a WSGI application importable by your
test program. Thus, you can avoid spawning multiple processes or threads
to test your Web app.

This package contains tests for %oname.

%package pickles
Summary: Pickles for %oname
Group: Development/Python

%description pickles
Installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing.

Testing a WSGI application normally involves starting a server at a
local host and port, then pointing your test code to that address.
Instead, this library lets you intercept calls to any specific host/port
combination and redirect them into a WSGI application importable by your
test program. Thus, you can avoid spawning multiple processes or threads
to test your Web app.

This package contains pickles for %oname.

%package docs
Summary: Documentation for %oname
Group: Development/Documentation

%description docs
Installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing.

Testing a WSGI application normally involves starting a server at a
local host and port, then pointing your test code to that address.
Instead, this library lets you intercept calls to any specific host/port
combination and redirect them into a WSGI application importable by your
test program. Thus, you can avoid spawning multiple processes or threads
to test your Web app.

This package contains documentation for %oname.

%package -n python3-module-%oname
Summary: wsgi_intercept installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing
Group: Development/Python3

%description -n python3-module-%oname
Installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing.

Testing a WSGI application normally involves starting a server at a
local host and port, then pointing your test code to that address.
Instead, this library lets you intercept calls to any specific host/port
combination and redirect them into a WSGI application importable by your
test program. Thus, you can avoid spawning multiple processes or threads
to test your Web app.

%package -n python3-module-%oname-tests
Summary: Tests for %oname
Group: Development/Python3
Requires: python3-module-%oname = %EVR

%description -n python3-module-%oname-tests
Installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing.

Testing a WSGI application normally involves starting a server at a
local host and port, then pointing your test code to that address.
Instead, this library lets you intercept calls to any specific host/port
combination and redirect them into a WSGI application importable by your
test program. Thus, you can avoid spawning multiple processes or threads
to test your Web app.

This package contains tests for %oname.

%setup -n %oname-%version
%patch -p1

%if_with python3
cp -fR . ../python3

%prepare_sphinx .
ln -s ../objects.inv docs/


%if_with python3
pushd ../python3


%if_with python3
pushd ../python3

export PYTHONPATH=%buildroot%python_sitelibdir
%make -C docs pickle
%make -C docs html

cp -fR docs/_build/pickle %buildroot%python_sitelibdir/%oname/

%exclude %python_sitelibdir/*/tests
%exclude %python_sitelibdir/*/pickle

%files tests

%files pickles

%files docs
%doc docs/_build/html/*

%if_with python3
%files -n python3-module-%oname
%exclude %python3_sitelibdir/*/tests

%files -n python3-module-%oname-tests

* Fri Feb 02 2018 Stanislav Levin <> 1.5.0-alt1.1
- (NMU) Fix Requires and BuildRequires to python-setuptools

* Fri Jun 16 2017 Alexey Shabalin <> 1.5.0-alt1
- 1.5.0

* Sun Mar 13 2016 Ivan Zakharyaschev <> 0.9.1-alt1.git20141206.1.1
- (NMU) rebuild with rpm-build-python3-0.1.9
  (for common python3/site-packages/ and auto python3.3-ABI dep when needed)

* Thu Jan 28 2016 Mikhail Efremov <> 0.9.1-alt1.git20141206.1
- NMU: Use buildreq for BR.

* Fri Feb 13 2015 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 0.9.1-alt1.git20141206
- Version 0.9.1

* Wed Nov 12 2014 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 0.9.0-alt1.git20140806
- Version 0.9.0

* Wed Aug 20 2014 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at> 0.8.1-alt1.git20140806
- Initial build for Sisyphus