Package qfsm: Information

    Source package: qfsm
    Version: 0.54.0-alt2
    Build time:  Jan 19, 2021, 12:58 PM
    Category: Education
    Report package bug
    License: GPL
    Summary: Graphical tool for designing finite state machine
    Qfsm is a graphical tool for designing finite state machine.
    It is written in C++ using the Qt library.
    Features include:
    - Drawing, Editing and Printing of states diagrams
    - Binary, ASCII or "free text" condition codes
    - Multiple windows
    - Integrity check
    - Interactive simulation
    - HDL export in the file formats: AHDL, VHDL, Verilog HDL, KISS
    - Diagram export in the formats: EPS and SVG
    - State table export in Latex, HTML or plain text format
    - Ragel file export (used for C/C++, Java or Ruby code generation)

    List of RPM packages built from this SRPM:
    qfsm (e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)
    qfsm-debuginfo (e2kv5, e2kv4, e2k)

    Maintainer: George V. Kouryachy

      1. cmake
      2. phonon-devel
      3. gcc-c++

    Last changed

    June 19, 2019 George V. Kouryachy 0.54.0-alt2
    - Fix build
    Jan. 28, 2015 George V. Kouryachy 0.54.0-alt1
    - Autobuild version bump to 0.54.0
    April 24, 2014 Michael Shigorin 0.53.0-alt1.1
    - NMU: rebuilt without graphviz (cgraph support missing)