Package hedgewars: Information

    Binary package: hedgewars
    Version: 1.0.2-alt2
    Architecture: x86_64
    Build time:  Jun 5, 2024, 12:55 PM in the task #350386
    Source package: hedgewars
    Category: Games/Strategy
    Report package bug
    License: GPLv2
    Summary: Game with heavily armed fighting hedgehogs
    Each player controls a team of several hedgehogs. During the course of the
    game, players take turns with one of their hedgehogs. They then use whatever
    tools and weapons are available to attack and kill the opponents' hedgehogs,
    thereby winning the game. Hedgehogs may move around the terrain in a variety
    of ways, normally by walking and jumping but also by using particular tools
    such as the "Rope" or "Parachute", to move to otherwise inaccessible areas.
    Each turn is time-limited to ensure that players do not hold up the game
    with excessive thinking or moving.
    A large variety of tools and weapons are available for players during the
    game: Grenade, Cluster Bomb, Bazooka, UFO, Shotgun, Desert Eagle, Minigun,
    Baseball Bat, Dynamite, Mine, Rope, Pneumatic pick, Parachute, etc. Most weapons,
    when used, cause explosions that deform the terrain, removing circular chunks.
    The landscape is an island floating on a body of water, or a restricted cave
    with water at the bottom. A hedgehog dies when it enters the water (either
    by falling off the island, or through a hole in the bottom of it), it is
    thrown off either side of the arena or when its health is reduced,
    typically from contact with explosions, to zero (the damage dealt to the
    attacked hedgehog or hedgehogs after a player's or CPU turn is shown only
    when all movement on the battlefield has ceased).

    Maintainer: Grigory Ustinov

    Last changed

    Sept. 22, 2023 Artyom Bystrov 1.0.2-alt2
    - Add ffmpeg 6.0 support
    Nov. 29, 2022 Grigory Ustinov 1.0.2-alt1
    - Automatically updated to 1.0.2.
    Nov. 17, 2021 Grigory Ustinov 1.0.0-alt6
    - Fixed FTBFS.