Package libcontrol++: Information

  • Default inline alert: Version in the repository: 0.32.0-alt1

Binary package: libcontrol++
Version: 0.17.0-alt1
Architecture: x86_64
Build time:  Nov 30, 2018, 05:40 PM in the task #217143
Source package: libcontrol++
Report package bug
License: GPLv3
Summary: control++ common classes and functions library
control++ is a simple system configuration tool
that allows administrator to change system ulimits,
set permission modes and, in perspective,
perform other administrative operations.

Maintainer: Alexey Appolonov

List of contributors:
Alexey Appolonov

Last changed

Nov. 30, 2018 Alexey Appolonov 0.17.0-alt1
- Ability to check controversy between the permission modes;
- Ability to get all names of variables of the ini-file section;
- New interface of the GetUserId and GetGroupId functions;
- Fixed determination of the 'blacklist' section of the permissions
  description file;
- List section of the permissions description file is any kind of list
  not just 'list';
- Sections 'blacklist' & 'whitelist' of the permissions description file
  are considered recursive type.
Nov. 18, 2018 Alexey Appolonov 0.16.0-alt1
- TFileMode as common interface for TFilePerm and TFileACL classes;
- TGroupOfFilesMode for handling params of a group of files;
- TSectorType for determining and storing sector types of a mode description;
- Ability to check if file is a dir.
Nov. 11, 2018 Alexey Appolonov 0.15.2-alt1
- Fix of the checks made during access to the TRunMode flags;
- Enhanced constructor of the TFilePerm and TFileACL.