Package libpano13-programs: Information

    Binary package: libpano13-programs
    Version: 2.9.22-alt1
    Architecture: armh
    Build time:  Sep 13, 2023, 02:54 AM in the task #329403
    Source package: libpano13
    Category: Graphics
    Report package bug
    License: GPL-2.0
    Summary: Programs built with libpano13
    This package contains programs from libpano13:
    PTSticher   - Based on code found in Helmut Dersch's panorama-tools to
    	      duplicate the functionality of original program
    PTblender   - Implements the colour and brightness correction originally
    	      found in PTStitcher.
    PTcrop      - This program takes as input a TIFF (cropped or uncropped)
    	      and generates an cropped TIFF according to the spec:
    		* Specific boounding rectangle
    		* Outer bounding rectangle
    		* Inner inclusive rectangle
    PTinfo      - Displays information about an image created with panotools
    PTmasker    - Takes a set of tiffs and computes their stitching masks
    PTmender    - This is a rewrite of PTStitcher. It has most of its functionality
    	      (see below) and it should be (for most people) a drop in
    	      replacement for PTstitcher.
    PToptimizer - Clone of PTOptimizer of Helmut Dersch's panorama-tools
    PTroller    - Flattens a set of TIFFs into one TIFF
    PTtiff2psd  - Converts a set of TIFF files into a Photoshop PSD file
    PTtiffdump  - This program compares the contents of 2 different tiff files.
    	      If the byte is different it outputs it.
    PTuncrop    - This program takes as input a cropped TIFF and generates an
    	      uncropped TIFF
    panoinfo    - Display info from pano12 dll/library

    Maintainer: Yuri N. Sedunov

    Last changed

    Sept. 12, 2023 Yuri N. Sedunov 2.9.22-alt1
    - 2.9.22
    - enabled optional "Sparse Levenberg Marquardt" algorithm using
      libsuitesparse instead of "dense Levenberg Marquard" algorithm
    - enabled %check
    Dec. 31, 2021 Yuri N. Sedunov 2.9.21-alt1
    - 2.9.21 (ported to CMake build system)
    May 12, 2021 Yuri N. Sedunov 2.9.20-alt1
    - 2.9.20 (fixed CVE-2021-20307)