Package python-module-Cython-tests: Information

    Binary package: python-module-Cython-tests
    Version: 0.29.24-alt1
    Architecture: armh
    Build time:  Jul 16, 2021, 10:14 PM in the task #279218
    Source package: python-module-Cython
    Report package bug
    License: Apache-2.0
    Summary: Cython test suit
    Cython is a language that makes writing C extensions for the Python
    language as easy as Python itself. Cython is based on the well-known
    Pyrex, but supports more cutting edge functionality and optimizations.
    The Cython language is very close to the Python2 language, but Cython
    additionally supports calling C functions and declaring C types on
    variables and class attributes. This allows the compiler to generate
    very efficient C code from Cython code.
    This makes Cython the ideal language for wrapping for external C
    libraries, and for fast C modules that speed up the execution of Python
    This package provides modules for testing Cython using unittest.

    Maintainer: Yuri N. Sedunov

    Last changed

    July 16, 2021 Yuri N. Sedunov 0.29.24-alt1
    - 0.29.24
    May 26, 2021 Yuri N. Sedunov 0.29.23-alt2
    - python2 only package
    April 14, 2021 Yuri N. Sedunov 0.29.23-alt1
    - 0.29.23